TFC Intercontinental, Corp.

TFC is a select group of volunteers committed to delivering God’s good gifts to places of need worldwide

TFC’s mandate is to provide resources to enable local communities in austere and under-served areas to progress toward self sustaining nutrition, locally based education and resource respectful healthcare. It is a right for men and women to have access to food, education and healthcare as notified in United Nations documents. Our efforts are in alignment with these iterations of internationally recognized human rights and needs.

Our programs

Medical equipment and supplies

Durable medical equipment as well as single use medical equipment is in demand worldwide and opportunities to utilize excess resources from the USA in under-resourced areas in the third world provide us with an opportunity to capitalize on efficiencies that can be gained merely by bringing excess resources from the States to resource-poor areas in our zones of operation.

Food relief for refugee groups

In order to maximize funds, we are experimenting with sourcing food supplies locally and transporting them locally rather than bringing them from the United States. We are also interested in developing renewable food resources and working with local governments to provide refugee populations with access to these resources in Southeast Asia and also in Tanzania.

Educational materials and classroom supplies

We provide and transport educational materials and classroom supplies for use in resource poor areas that can be easily replaced by local educators. Areas of operation are Africa, Honduras and the Caribbean.

Transport of critical personnel for teaching or other activities pertaining to TFC’s mandate

Be it by land, sea or air, TFC provides transport for volunteers and those involved with our mission.

Curriculum Development

We have been involved with developing curriculum for many years in SE Asia and in Central America and anticipate continuing to do so through TFC primarily by bringing educational materials from simple building blocks and counting tools to internet based video teaching assistance. We are interested in producing locally developed teaching materials and bringing in technical assistance to help nationals develop their own curriculum.

Volunteer with us!

Visit the volunteer page to access an application to participate in TFC projects.

Volunteer with TFC

Bring positive change to under-served people groups around the globe by volunteering your time and skills. People are needed locally as well as internationally.

Your donation will bring supplies where they are greatly needed and better the lives of vulnerable populations.

Please contact us if you are interested in donating vehicles, boats or materials to further our efforts.

Your donations will fund-

Purchase and transportation of medical goods to Tanzania and other areas in our zones of operation.

Food relief for refugee groups in Tanzania and Southeast Asia.

Educational materials for groups in Africa and the Caribbean.

Transportation for critical personnel and volunteers to areas to carry out training and the excecution of our projects.

Curriculum development and training of teachers in local populations.

TFC Intercontinental , Corp.

A registered non-profit corporation in the state of Florida

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